The Woomy Kingdom

- On July 1st, The Woomy Kingdom Direct was hosted to commemorate the 3rd anniversary of The Woomy Kingdom. This event featured the release of the 3rd Anniversary Hat, the Special Apple and Blueberry Woomy Colors, more information about the releases of the Octotune Pack and Octo Expansion pack for Toontown Rewritten, the Club Penguin Music Pack for Toontown Rewritten, the announcement of The Woomy Kingdom Elections, the announcement of the first Splatfest Mini, more information about the release of The Woomy Kingdom 5.0, the release of this website, and the announcement that the August Splatfest would be the Final Fest!
- The Woomy Kingdom Elections had a formal timeline come out on July 9th including details on which events (speeches, debates, voting) would happen on which days. These elections would determine the next Master Woomy.
- The Woomy Kingdom Elections began on July 10th with Ares' first speech. Jay gave their speeches on the 11th and 13th.
- On July 12th, the first debate between Jay and Ares was held.
- On July 14th, Ares gave his second speech in The Woomy Kingdom Election, went off on Jay (making claims such as they created COVID-19, sacrifice babies, and that their cabinet has dementia), and he also hosted a movie night featuring The Emperor's New Groove and Kronk's New Groove.
- On July 15th, the second debate between Ares and Jay was held, but Ares woke up so late that one of his cabinet members (Zander) debated in his place.
- Voting was on July 16th. Jay won against Ares with a vote ratio of 7.5-3.5.
- On August 13th, The Woomy Kingdom's final Splatfest, Final Fest, which was between Life and Death, began! This event would run until August 16th and included lots of event items, and would determine the future of the server! The final point was not elaborated on. :) Ares also said that if Team Life won, he would stop streaming.
- On August 17th, it was revealed Team Death won the Splatfest!
- The Woomy Kingdom 5.0 released on August 31st, including improvements such as new channels, the removal of some roles, edits to server rules, the return of a bot named Jack (now renamed to Murch), and more!
- On September 22nd, Cuddles resigned from her position as server owner and transferred power to Ares.
- On October 2nd, Ares announced The Veemo Kingdom...
- The Veemo Kingdom released on October 9th, thus marking the end to The Woomy Kingdom's legacy.
- The first Splatfest of 2020, announced on January 13th, was originally Black vs. White but Cuddles was bullied into changing it to Anime vs. Cartoons because Black vs. White sounded terrible.
- On January 26th, The Octotune Pack received an update revealing that this pack for Toontown Rewritten would no longer be just a music pack but would be a content pack instead! This update also announced that The Octotune Pack would now be releasing in Summer of 2020. A new weekly event also started in Ancho-V-Games on January 26th, in which sneak peeks would be released for The Octotune Pack each Sunday under a new role titled "Octotune Weekly"!
- On March 1st death was officially banned from The Woomy Kingdom as per rule #11.
- The Hatsune Miku vs. Sans Splatfest, announced on March 9th and taking place from March 13th-14th, featured new voice channels specific to each team because people were getting so intense about it! Also featured the return of DJ Octavio Bot.
- In an Octotune Weekly released on April 19th The Octotune Pack was revealed to be rebranded into two packs instead of one with one being titled "The Octo Expansion Pack" which is a content pack featuring texture-changes and music-changes, and the other being titled "The Octotune Pack" which is a music pack featuring only music-changes. The Octotune Weekly role was also renamed to "Octo Weekly" after this announcement.
- The Doki Doki Literature Club Splatfest Tournament was announced on May 5th and consisted of 3 rounds to decide which is the best Doki Doki Literature Club girl. The final round involved a "server takeover" by Monika and Sayori. This final round was the first Splatfest to be 48 hours. The tournament officially ended on May 24th with the results being released on May 26th, revealing that Natsuki won the Splatfest Tournament!
- Due to a poorly thought out joke involving posting the server link on a Minecraft Wrestling wiki, the server was raided by several Minecraft Wrestlers on May 10th, leading to the 4.9 update to be released immediately after as an emergency update which increased security and added new moderation tools
- On May 15th, Ares bought some Jackbox party packs and we started frequent game nights!
- Ares started to stream wrestling shows around May 24th, making another frequent group event.
- Ares began to stream his playthrough of Danganronpa V3 for everybody to watch and commentate on starting around May 31st.
- On June 30th, the announcement for The Woomy Kingdom Direct was made, including the information that it would be a 45 minute long event featuring announcements every five minutes or so!
- Cuddles attempted Jay's Mario Maker levels on July 2nd and had a stroke.
- Version 4.0 of The Woomy Kingdom was released on July 7th, including a reworking of the way Splatfests are run, edits to channel setups, changes to active bots, new emotes and more!
- The Octotune pack did not release in July 2019 :)
- On July 27th Cuddles accused Jay's crocs of sexual assault.
- A Splatfest made to celebrate the 2nd anniversary of the first one was announced on August 8th, and it was Pancakes (the first Splatfest's winner) vs. Crepes!
- On October 21st, the first Splatfest Remix was announced (Ghosts vs. Skeletons) which allowed team members to use items during the event! This went on to become a consistent thing with different holidays and seasons.
- On December 9th, Cuddles was bullied into changing the special winter Splatfest (FrostyFest) from Snow vs. Rain to Good vs. Bad for some reason.
- In January of 2019 a tradition called Special Woomy Colors began where there would be new colored roles (woomy colors) for special events/holidays. The first of these was Gingerbread Woomy for New Year's 2019.
- January 8th marked the day many of the server text and voice channels were renamed to Splatoon-themed locations as part of the 3.1 update! This also added the Booyah Base, which is a channel entirely for Crusty Sean bot commands.
- On January 16th a Splatfest for Jay vs. Ares was announced, but was later changed to Jay vs. Emily due to personal reasons.
- March 1st was when news roles were created dedicated to Splatoon News, Super Smash Bros. Ultimate News, and Booyah Base News (in-server events) so that only members who want to be pinged for those subjects will be pinged!
- The DJ Octavio music bot was added on April 15th as part of The Woomy Kingdom 3.3! The Reef channel was also made to play music on this bot, which only members with the CQ Card role can access.
- On May 7th, the Toontown Rewritten vs. Club Penguin Rewritten Splatfest was announced, where the winner would determine June’s Monthly Woomy Color! Toontown Rewritten won this Splatfest and in June the Lava Woomy Color was added to celebrate their victory. This was also the first Splatfest that lasted 40 hours.
- Cuddles regretted some life decisions (such as mods making emotes) on May 29th.
- On June 16th the 4.0 update was announced and would release in July of 2019!
- A bot named Jack died in a car crash.
- July 1st marked the 2nd anniversary of the server which resulted in events throughout the day relating to in-server currency making, as well as The Octotune Pack for Toontown Rewritten to celebrate Toontown Rewritten’s victory in Splatfest #14! This music pack would release in July 2019.
- The July Splatfest that was announced on the 13th began a new system of Splatfests and how they work, changing from just
money-gaining to a 3-category system of popularity, work commands and crime/slut commands.
- On July 19th, Jay accidentally reset the entire server's economy.
- The first Splatfest to get a victory of 3-0 was Waluigi vs. Wario, announced with a score of "FUCK-YOU" on August 21st.
- Cuddles canceled the 2018 September Splatfest because it was her birthday :)
- On Halloween 2018, the Ghost Woomy role was added which made users' names invisible which everyone liked! This Woomy Color was only available for a very limited time, being added on October 31st and removed on November 2nd.
- The Woomy Kingdom 3.0 was released on December 7th! This brought a reworking of major channels and descriptions, the return of monthly event lists, a new time-out role and channel, a moderator-only voice channel, and more!
- The May 2018 Splatfest, No vs. Yesn't/Yespacito vs Yesn't, was canceled because nobody joined.
- The July Splatfest, Mario vs. Luigi, had record low amounts of money won! The winner, Team Mario, only made $2, while Team Luigi made $1.
- On May 15th, the monthly Woomy colors started, meaning that each month a new colored role (or Woomy) will be available. The first was Salmon Run Woomy.
- Cuddles told the entire server "fuck you" on May 26th.
- On June 18th, the server became officially NSFW (within reason) meaning the old NSFW channel was removed along with the old time-out role and the Youtubers role.
- On July 1st, The Woomy Kingdom officially opened to all users!
Some of the first features of the server included the Sheldon bot, Nightbot, and various channels such as the General channel (now known as Inkopolis), the Friend Codes channel, a Streams channel, an NSFW channel, an Other Servers channel, and a Woomy Requests channel (where users would request Woomy Colors)!
- The Woomy Kingdom 1.1 marked the first update released in the server! This update released later on July 1st of 2017 and included the addition of the Master Woomy role and the Server Updates channel.
- July 8th Cuddles discovered that Jay is an asshole. This was commemorated in Server Updates
- To commemorate the release of Splatoon 2, The Woomy Kingdom 2.0 was released gradually from July 13th-21st, which included general bugfixes, more Woomy Colors (such as Yellow Woomy and Bright Purple Woomy), more bots (including the temporary Batface the Rouge bot along with Bisk), changes in permissions and the announcement that Splatfests would take place within The Woomy Kingdom later on!
- The Splatune music pack for Toontown Rewritten was released as part of The Woomy Kingdom 2.0 on July 19th and it was very chunky.
- On August 7th, the first Splatfest of The Woomy Kingdom was announced! It was Waffles vs. Pancakes and it marked the first of a long tradition of events within the server. Waffles vs. Pancakes ended up being a real Splatoon 2 Splatfest in February of 2019! To commemorate this, Alligator Joe made the artwork shown to the right!
- Crusty Sean was added to the server as part of The Woomy Kingdom 2.2 on August 7th! This bot has stayed in the server ever since then and has been used for the server's economy as well as many Splatfests.
- On April 2nd, a server that many early members of The Woomy Kingdom were a part of was "hacked". This server, called The Fedora Kingdom, was owned by a man named Joseph. He was an extremely abusive friend, although nobody really acknowledged it/knew it at the time of this "hacking". Joseph "took a break" shortly afterwards.
This hack was later revealed to be a hoax and the "break" was because Joseph was tired of dealing with certain people.
- Over time Joseph became more of a dictator of his Discord server and due to reasons that resulted in some members not feeling comfortable or safe being there, many of the more active members- Ares, Cuddles, Mark, Emily, etc.- left to Mark's server, named Fedoria.
- Fedoria became drama central for all things relating to The Fedora Kingdom and Joseph.
- Cuddles, who originally petitioned for a woomy channel in The Fedora Kingdom but was rejected by Joseph, decided she wanted to make her own server (which eventually became The Woomy Kingdom).