The Veemo Kingdom

- On New Years Day, The Veemo Kingdom's owner Ares did his first official Twitch stream!
- The fifth Veemo Kingdom Splatfest, French Toast vs. Crepes, was announced on January 5th. Originally, it was going to run from January 7th-8th, but it was delayed.
- Mee6 was executed.
- A newer, cooler, non-evil bot (Dyno) was introduced in Mee6's place and is now used to run Splatfests and generally perform Mee6's previous duties- aside from leaderboards. The old leaderboard was copied and archived in the bot channel Port Mackerel.
- The fifth Veemo Kingdom Splatfest made history as the first and only Splatfest to result in a perfect tie! HOW.
- On July 1st, the event known as V3 began! On its first day, an art channel titled Museum D'Alfonsino was released, giving the server's artists a place to put their work. The return of Splatfests was also revealed, though they would not be monthly as they had been before. Splatfests would be almost monthly this time!
- The second day of V3, July 2nd, revealed the second Veemo Kingdom Census! This was made to collect information about the wants and needs of server members. This website was also formally revealed to the public, and The Veemo Kingdom Elections were revealed, with little information!
- On July 4th, The Veemo Kingdom 2.0 was announced to be releasing in August 2021. This would be the last announcement of V3, with the credits coming out the following day!
- Splatfests made a full return on August 26th, with the announcement of Sun vs. Moon. This Splatfest ran from August 28th-29th, with once again a same-day result announcement of Team Moon's 0-3 victory.
- Veemo Kingdom 2.0 officially released on October 9th, 2021- the same day The Veemo Kingdom originally released. This update brought a new, sleeker logo as well as general rearranging and upkeep of channel organization. The system previously referred to as Monthly Woomy Colors was renamed to Monthly Veemo Colors, as well, with the release of Bread Veemo.
- Mark was put into conversation therapy and turned gay again the same day after listening to Montero. For legal reasons, this is a joke.
- The second official Veemo Kingdom Splatfest, Candy vs. Chocolate, was announced on October 14th and ran from the 16th-17th. Results once again came the same day, announcing Chocolate's 1-2 win!
- In the beginning of December, applications for The Team Minecraft server were reopened.
- On December 15th, the third Veemo Kingdom Splatfest, Showering vs. League of Legends, was announced! This topic was decided via a pool of random words collected from Veemo Kingdom users, and was fitting as many members have become infected with League of Legends Disease. The Splatfest ran from December 17th-18th and featured a very cool win by Showering 3-0!
- On December 24th, as a Christmas present, Ares announced another Among Us night for December 28th!
- The Minecraft server called "The Team" opened up to the general Veemo public on January 19th.
- On January 22nd, Cuddles had drip.
- The Veemo Kingdom 1.1 released on February 4th. This introduced the system of "Member Specific Channels" which allowed users to create their own text channels for $1,000,000 in-server currency. They launched with Lildees-Comet-Observatory, where Lily and Dreamer shared science facts and/or insults.
- Ares made his anime list on February 7th, which began the occasional anime-watching night.
- On March 13th, tiered roles determined by server rank were introduced. These would be used in tandem with the economy reset coming later in the year.
- On April 1st, The Veemo Kingdom economy was reset! Despite the date, this was not a joke. This day also introduced a new system where, once a month, users could collect income based on their Mee6 rank!
- On May 15th, the first and only Splatfest of The Veemo Kingdom was announced! It was to be a reprieve of the original Splatfest from 2017, Waffles vs. Pancakes.
- The Splatfest began on May 21st and went until May 23rd, where the results were announced the very same day. Waffles won with a score of 0-3!
- On May 23rd, with the release of the Syrup Woomy color, an image was created meant to showcase how the color was different to Woomy Colors of the past. This would go on to be used for most if not all future color releases.
- An event meant to celebrate the server's 4th anniversary as well as make fun and new announcements titled V3 was announced on May 29th! Anyone in the server could contribute to the event, which was to last four days starting on July 1st.
- The Veemo Kingdom was officially announced on October 2nd, shortly after Ares gained ownership of the server!
- On October 9th, The Woomy Kingdom was transformed into The Veemo Kingdom, and this website was officially created.
- The first update of The Veemo Kingdom, 1.0.1, was released on December 6th. It brought a more organized role list and the Jeans Woomy (Joomy).
- The first event of The Veemo Kingdom took place on December 23rd, it was a census. This information included gaining insight on the demographics, interests and wants of server members via a Google Document. It lasted two days.